INFJ’s: The Most Rare Breed


INFJ introvert

INFJ, MBTI, Myers-Briggs, creative, artist, Personality Test

Introverted,Intuitive, Feeler, Judger; this personality type is known to be highly creative, passionate about what we believe in, extremely loyal and compassionate, always focused on “the meaning of life”, we put a lot of merit into our relationships and hold onto deep, meaningful bonds.

INTROVERTED: prefer to focus on ideas, information, explanations, and beliefs, Introverts are energized by ideas, enjoy reflecting, working alone, tend to analyze and reflect before taking action

INTUITIVE: focus on ideas to generate new possibilities, anticipate future outcomes, Intuitives concentrate on patterns, future possibilities, contemplate life and enjoy abstract thinking

FEELER: make decisions on the basis of values, of what or who you think is important. Feelers often take others feelings and point of view into careful consideration when making decisions.

JUDGER:  preference for your life to be structured and planned out, Judgers like to make plans and lists and stick to them, and are extremely organized. *It's important to understand judger is different than judgmental*

woman pondering next to Ferris wheel, INFJ, introvert, artist, creative, black and white photograph, Myers-Briggs, Personality Test, MBTI,

What Does This All Mean?

When I took the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test several years ago it was like a light went off for me. I finally felt like I understood myself and of course I was the most rare personality type. The more I read about INFJ’s the more at home I felt in my own skin and the easier it felt to be me.

  1. Being an Introvert doesn’t mean that we want to sit at home hiding under the blankets with a book (at least not all the time). We still hold high value in being social. INFJ’s put higher value into relationships that have depth and meaning. For me, I’m not good at small talk, this may sometimes come across as being aloof, but I simply don’t have the time or patience for facades. I have a genuine interest in people and their deep dark depths.
  2. I despise talking on the phone, as I’m often awkward in person, stumbling to find the correct words to get out what I wish to portray. But give me time to think it over and I can usually get it down quite eloquently through writing.
  3. Being in noisy, chaotic environments drains every last ounce of my energy. As a thoughtful, inward, daydreamer this type of setting takes away from my peaceful aptitude. I prefer to be in small groups or a setting where things are organized, including my own thoughts.

9-5 Isn’t For Us…..

I’m currently in a career based on other reasons that doesn’t suit my personality and EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. it becomes more and more apparent to me that it’s literally sucking the life out of me. The environment is complete chaos, the noise level is atrocious, and I have no control over my day-to-day work.

INFJ, introvert, MBTI, working alone, solo, woman working in box
woman working in box, INFJ

INFJ’s are creatives and artists. We do well as entrepreneurs and freelancers. We are so brimming with ideas that we feel like we could burst. We sit in office buildings and gaze out the window contemplating the meaning of life, while we aren’t thinking of 50 other things we’d rather be doing. I never sit still, If I’m not drawing or creating beautiful things, I’m cleaning or cooking, or gardening, or thinking of business ideas. I’m constantly trying to better my life and build goals for my future. I’m not sure I’ll ever be content, while this may sound like a curse in some ways it’s also a blessing.

We See the Beauty in Everything

We tend to appreciate the finer things in life. Handcrafted items, fine foods, nice clothes, nice cars, and we appreciate being surrounded by beauty. I take pride in having a beautiful home and enjoy gardening. I appreciate art, craft and design and am often moved by the beauty in nature. I’m not sure if it’s just me, but I get a lump in my throat when I am moved by something of natural beauty or kindness.

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, we all just want to feel heard and understood in this world we live in, and finding out more about my personality type made me feel less alone. This made me honour who I am, and in turn, more comfortable in being that person.

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